Kisses from Heaven (Part 3)

You will read that many of my excerpts contain blessings from others. I believe God works through people and it may be a thought that comes into your mind that says “call this person”, “go and visit this person”. So often I have thought of people but am put off contacting them due to awkwardness or I just don’t prioritise it. But these memories remind me that maybe they pop into my head for a reason, so I can bless others like people have blessed us.

One time, I was talking to my friend Gemma about a girl at church who I thought was an incredible singer and Gemma said I should message her and encourage her. It was a bit of an uncomfortable thought as I didn’t know her, but a week later I was thinking about her and thought “this is a time where I should be obedient and contact people who come into my head”. So I messaged her. The following Sunday her mum told me she was doubting her role in the worship team and as they were talking about it she received my message knowing it was a sign from God. I became instrument of Gods kiss to her. How cool is that?

I encourage you all to act on your thoughts – a message or a phone call can be so much more to someone else.

9th August 2017

My GP appointment ran 30minutes late. It was a routine appointment and just as I was leaving, my CT scan results showed up in my GP’s inbox showing the cancer was ‘stable’ and there was an oncologist booking made for 11th August. I felt this appointment was meant to run late so I could have this information.

25th September 2017

It was our son (Mack’s) birthday and I was home alone with Pepe trying to bake him a birthday cake. The day wasn’t great, I was really weak from the Myasthenia Gravis and so gave up on the cake. Pepe woke up and as she did, my friend Eve walked through the door with the most amazing birthday cake for Mack. She knew I was struggling and went to a local cake shop ‘Baked with Love’ to get Mack a cake. When talking to the owner, there was a massive birthday cake which was not picked up so the lady gave it to Eve (for free) for us. Eve then stayed and looked after Pepe.

25th May 2018

My sister Jaan and her husband Chris booked a grabaseat for a long weekend not knowing I had my CT scan on the 24th. This was the one time I had growth. Jaana and Chris are such strong believers and spent the whole time praying for me and strengthening my faith. Their visit was too perfect to be a coincidence.

26th May 2018

Pepe was on a waiting list with kohanga and began a 2-week introduction with full days beginning 28th. We always thought it would be a great time for me to begin work again but this time was meant to be as after the growth I needed to space out my IVIG (blood transfusions for the Myasthenia) and double my fasts.

20th May 2019

I was in Waikato Hospital with gastro problems and severe Myasthenia relapse. That night my dad just showed up. After hearing how sick I was he found a flight in 2 hours and when he arrived in Hamilton all the hire cars had gone except one which hadn’t been picked up.

29th May 2019

I was extremely down and despondent in Waikato Hospital. I woke up to a video message of my friend Pam giving me encouragement. Our friends Pete and Dianne had their work crew clean our drive. And we had an unexpected visit from our kids. All lifted my spirits for days.

May / June Waikato Hospital

This stay was the beginning of a very bad turn. In one week I had people that really strengthened me for what was to come. One was a nurse (who I worked with in education 15 years prior). She was the nurse who saw the worst before I went into ICU. My sister and brother in law were holidaying in Auckland, my close friend Jody was visiting Cambridge, and our pastor and friend James - all came to visit and pray for me.

Second stay in Waikato Hospital

I was meant to be admitted to OPR5, a ward away from the main hospital but all the rooms were full by the time we got there so I was in HDU (next to ICU) until a bed became available. That night I had a massive turn. I was unconscious with a collapsed lung and went into heart failure. A doctor from ICU came in and saved my life putting me on a ventilator. This would not have been possible from the other ward.

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